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A Sense of Self and Interaction with Others

5 Pages 1174 Words July 2016

As we grow up, the environment we are in influences and impacts our sense of self, as we discover what our likes, dislikes, and interests are. On our journey to identifying ourselves, we need to interact with others to discover what our passions are. The environment we are surrounded by and culture we are brought up in also shapes our individual identity and this usually has a long term effect and we are taught from a young age what is right and what is wrong through our parents, even though this may be wrong in reality. As society’s views changes so does our own, even though we might not like it, people change their views on issues to try and accommodate with society so that we do not feel left out.
On our path to finding who we truly are, we need to bring an aspect of our past with us which includes our moral values and the culture we are brought up in but also we need to find new things such as interest and hobbies to shape who we are. As we search and interact our way into society we must do so in a way that enables us to develop as individuals, this is usually done through our interests. However, this is not as easy as it seems. It can be a struggle to be ourselves especially in this day and age, as we force ourselves to fit into society. The article written. It is hard for anyone to be accepted in society today but the struggles of an immigrant is so tough. The article written by Australian Asian author Alice Pung talks about how a young Asian school boy James Chong was trying to fit into the Australia society by participating in events and trying to interact with other so that he could fit in. James grew up thinking that ‘because of his heritage and color of his skin he was not allowed to be part of the Anzac tradition.’ When James participated in the Anzac day march he felt Australian, but he was told by the media that he was not in fact “true blue” impacted his self identity as he lost the identity that he was trying...

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