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Character Analysis - A Long Walk to Water

4 Pages 958 Words October 2016

Salva is a character from A Long Walk To Water and in the novel he has been showing throughout the novel that he has been brave throughout the story by going with dangerous outgoing tasks. Throughout the story he has been proving he was being brave was when he had to walk from Ethiopia to the refugee camps in Kenya with over 1500 boys some of them were under the age of five. In the text it states “ Salva made up his mind. He would walk south, to Kenya. He did not know what he would find once he got there, but it seemed to be his best choice. Crowds of other boys followed him. Nobody talked about it, but by the end of the first day salva had become the leader of a group of about fifteen hundred boys. Some were as young as five year old.” The text states is that he is responsible for a one and a half years of a food and water supply for over 1500 people. This is showing he is brave because he has the lives for over 1500 people and if he lets most of them die, they are going to turn on him and probably try to kill him. This is why it shows that he is brave.

Salva’s Nonfiction Connection
Kids in this article, Refugee Children Making Dangerous Trip to Europe Without Parents, kids have to travel a dangerous thousand-mile journey, alone, due to the war and the conditions they live in. This relates to Salva, in the book A Long Walk to Water because he to had to make a trip with a group of strangers to different countries in Africa in order to survive due to the war that Salva had in his country. In Refugee Children Making Dangerous Trip to Europe Without Parents it states, “Nearby is a little girl whose hair has not been brushed or combed for days. Just beyond, a group of teens are clustered around someone’s smartphone, debating where to go next and how to get there. All of them have no adults in sight. Aid groups and governments call them “unaccompanied minors.” These children under 18 are making the dangerous thousand-mile jou...

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